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59 results found

Getting Started with CellProfiler in Batch

Guest Author This post was written by a guest author, Jillian Rowe, who can be reached at Running CellProfiler in batch mode is the ideal way to automate large scale analyses. Or not so large scale analyses that you prefer to automate! One of the benefits of running...

When To Say ‘Good Enough’

Beth Cimini One of the most common questions I’m asked when helping a collaborator with an image analysis project is: “How do I know when my analysis workflow is doing well enough at finding the objects or measuring the things I care about?” Unfortunately, it’s also one of the hardest questions to...

A CellProfiler Approach to Analyzing Tissue Data

Kyle Karhohs Imaging tissue slices provides a wealth of data about the spatial composition and number of the various cell types that make up a tissue. Interactions among cells within a tissue are crucial to understanding the role of the inflammation that is triggered by the invasion of cancerous...

Announcing CellProfiler 3.1.9

Beth Cimini Hello all! It’s been a crazy last few months for the CellProfiler team, as we’ve been hiring some new members to the team and working hard on the transition to Python 3, which will bump us into CellProfiler version 4. Keep your eyes peeled for exciting content in the future! We did want...

Browser-based Apps for Data Visualization

Minh Doan Have you ever stumbled across some amazing data visualization tools that run entirely on a web browser (such as this and many others), and wished you could plug in your own data and visualize it? Or, as a biologist, you may know of a good analytic tool, but it either costs too much...

Announcing CellProfiler 3.1.8

Beth Cimini Happy holidays to everyone- we here at the CellProfiler team got you a little end-of-year treat in the form of CellProfiler 3.1.8. This is primarily a bugfix release, getting rid of some bugs in MeasureObjectIntensity, MeasureColocalization, ExportToSpreadsheet...

ScienceSnippets: Building communication skills and sharing what you love

Anne Carpenter Clearly communicating the impact of your research is one of the most important skills you need to develop as a scientist, and yet typically it is only taught by doing (and if you are lucky, feedback – especially critical feedback). Clear communication is important to get funding and...

Announcing CellProfiler 3.1

Beth Cimini I’m excited to announce the release of CellProfiler 3.1. Our focus for CellProfiler 3.1 was polishing features and squashing bugs introduced in CellProfiler 3.0. We also started laying down the foundation for our next release, CellProfiler 4.0, that will transition CellProfiler from...