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6 results found

Announcing CellProfiler 4.2.6 and RunCellpose updates

Hi all, Due to issues with pip installation with CellProfiler on some platforms, we have released a version 4.2.6 with slightly updated dependency pins. If you are using the CellProfiler 4.2.5 application downloaded from our website, there is no need for you to update - 4.2.6 contains no changes to...

CellProfiler 4.1 Release

Beth Cimini Hi all, We hope you’re enjoying our new CellProfiler 4.1 release! If you haven’t had a chance to see it yet, please do grab a copy from There are a few new features or changes of note we’re particularly excited to share with you all: For the first time...

Announcing CellProfiler 3.1.9

Beth Cimini Hello all! It’s been a crazy last few months for the CellProfiler team, as we’ve been hiring some new members to the team and working hard on the transition to Python 3, which will bump us into CellProfiler version 4. Keep your eyes peeled for exciting content in the future! We did want...

Announcing CellProfiler 3.1.8

Beth Cimini Happy holidays to everyone- we here at the CellProfiler team got you a little end-of-year treat in the form of CellProfiler 3.1.8. This is primarily a bugfix release, getting rid of some bugs in MeasureObjectIntensity, MeasureColocalization, ExportToSpreadsheet...

Announcing CellProfiler 3.1

Beth Cimini I’m excited to announce the release of CellProfiler 3.1. Our focus for CellProfiler 3.1 was polishing features and squashing bugs introduced in CellProfiler 3.0. We also started laying down the foundation for our next release, CellProfiler 4.0, that will transition CellProfiler from...